Treatment of Sciatica without Surgery or Medication
Sciatica Treatment in St. Charles, IL: Specific scientific chiropractic adjustments are used at Total Body Health Center by Dr. Arun Mani to relieve pain and ensure long-lasting correction.
Why You Should Go to a Chiropractor for Sciatica
Sciatica care usually incorporates chiropractic adjustments with spinal hydration therapy exercises. These elements are a central component of almost any sciatica care plan. When practice members engage in a regular program of chiropractic adjustments and specific exercises, they can recover quickly from sciatica pain and are less likely to have future episodes of pain.

Herniated Discs and the Sciatic Nerve
When a herniated disc presses on nerve roots, it can cause pain, numbness, and weakness in the area of the body where the nerve travels. A herniated disc in the lower back can cause pain and numbness in the buttock and down the leg. These nerves that run down the legs from the buttocks are referred to as the sciatic nerves. Chiropractic care seeks to remove stress from the nervous system, ultimately relieving pain suffered from sciatica.
Dr. Mani has helped many patients with chronic and acute sciatic nerve pain. Through chiropractic care, patients can regain their health and live their life without sciatica pain.
If you feel like you may suffer from sciatica, call our office to schedule your free consultation with the doctor.
Additional Injury Rehabilitation Therapies
Awesome clinic and people! High quality care. Definitely recommend!
In 9 weeks I’ve lost 27 inches!! With the “Ideal Protein” weight loss program. Dr. Seema has been the most amazing coach. If you are looking for a new lifestyle and some weight loss ask Dr. Seema how!!!! Couldn’t thank Total Body Health enough for offering this awesome program!!!
Amazing is the only word I can use to describe how much better I’m feeling after i injured my back at home lifting incorrectly. Dr. Mani evaluated, heated and treated my back I and felt back to normal or better in just 30 minutes!!!
Dr. Mani and Dr. Seema are unbelievably knowledgeable, hospitable, and overall wonderful people. Their business is leading their clients toward a healthy lifestyle with the ability to consider, diagnose, and treat from a variety of different angles: chiropractic, acupuncture, nutrition, massage, and physical therapy, to name just a few. I can not offer a higher recommendation to Dr. Mani and Dr. Seema – they are outstanding people with a passion for helping others live healthier lifestyles that is unlike anything I’ve ever experienced in the health field – ever!
They’re an amazing team! My entire family is in good hands with total body health!
I’ve been a patient of Dr. Arun and Dr. Seema for many years. I recommend them to all my friends and relatives.
They have changed my wrong thinking about health into right thinking. Such a blessing
Thank you Seema & Arun! I never would have gotten through my marathon without you! Sciatica was fine during & after! You two work miracles! I’ve been to several practitioners & have never had this level of relief & health. I can’t thank you enough for getting me through my 1st marathon, never thought it was possible before. THANK YOU!!!!
We can’t even tell everyone how special Dr Mani is . We have been patients of his for at least 10 yrs an there isn’t anyone better then he is !!!! He feels like a long time friend. If you ever were contemplating seeing a chiropractor, you will never find anyone better then him !!!
Dr. Seema is the most amazing person and doctor. She is so passionate about finding solutions for all health problems. I specifically began visiting her for laser hair removal because I’ve suffered from folliculitis which was creating scarring on my legs. Not only has she continued to follow my progress, but she is always thinking and investigating more options that could help me. The treatments were amazingly affordable and successful. Their office offers everything for well-being (yoga, diet, acupuncture, massage, chiropractic, aesthetic, etc.) , and the doctors are approachable, available, and trustworthy. I would visit Dr. Seema for most any issue before heading elsewhere now after really getting to know her integrity and intelligence.
Schedule Your Appointment with Total Body Health Center
Call (630) 587-5824 or Click Below to Request an Appointment Online: